gareth parry (aplausos ingleses a los argentinos)

The time is 2 pm on a sunny afternoon and we are under attack from Mirages and Skyhawks of the Argentine Air Force. A bomb has just sent up a huge plume of water only a hundred yards away, between our ship and another supply vessel loaded with war merchandise.

We watch as shore batteries and missile systems on the war ships open up against a deafening cacophony from the deck machine guns and naval guns.

Two enemy planes are streaking in silhouette across the green hillsides around San Carlos Bay, one like a red dart. Suddenly they are twin balls of smoke in the blue sky and there is clapping and cheering from the decks of the warships and supply vessels in the bay.

The Argentine warplanes had hit one of the ships, although at first sight the damage did not look serious from our position. It was ironic that this was being fought out above the still visible wreckage of the frigate Antelope hit in Sunday's savage air attacks.

This attack materialised as we write this dispatch. We lie on the deck when the big guns fire, then dash to the rails, to record the attack. Two bombs narrowly missed our position.

Each warning of attack echoes across the bay but the birds continued wheeling in the sky as if nothing were happening.

The air raid "red alert" was sounded only seconds before the attack. Marines and crewmen dispersed calmly to their action stations and lay on the ground in passageways, camouflage uniforms contrasting with the white of their anti-flash helmets and gloves.

The first hand experience of the lethal accuracy of the task force missile ships was spectacular. Crewmen around us paid tribute to the courage of the Argentinian pilots. They also deserved credit for their own bravery, both those exposed and manning the ships defences and the many others, marines and sailors, crouched and waiting in the vessel.

After further "red alerts" darkness brought respite from the air attacks in which seven enemy warplanes were shot down and an eighth was seen to be trailing smoke.

There can be no doubt that the Argentines are paying dearly to stay in the fight.

HMS Antelope was almost totally submerged last night. Only the point of her bow was visible. It was hard to believe we had witnessed the last moments of a British warship.

Our own ship was shaken in the bomb attack but there was no damage.

No one in the task force was underestimating the Argentine assertion last night that their principal target was the beachhead and our ships.

Two of the Sea Harriers in the air battle were from the carrier Hermes. They took on an entire formation of three Mirage Fives over Pebble Island.

The leading Sea Harrier hit the first two Mirages with Sidewinder missiles, the first confirmed double kill by a British pilot during the Falkland dog fights.

His wingman hit the third Argentine aircraft. Two of the Mirages crashed into the sea, one on to land near the beachhead. Two Argentine pilots were seen ejecting from blazing aircraft.


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